Immortality. The day was sunny, but windy. Patrick went to his job as quick as he could. It was the first day after vacation and yesterday was his 117 birthday. “Oh, shit, – he quietly swore seeing red lights on his way. It seems like nobody around…” He froze for a while seconds and ran across the street. He needed to go only half block to his office. “Yeah, I am in the time”, -thought he going through doorstep. Till midday everything was as usual. He was writing documents, telling his speech on the meeting and calling to customers. After lunch he saw push up on mobile`s screen from government app: “You have to go tomorrow at 11am to the 21 courtroom on the street of Mercy, building 1”. “He is awake! – it was the first thing, that he heard, from his the best friend Mary – what was wrong?” “I have to go to the street of Mercy”, – said Patrick. Everybody around him recoiled and came to their workplace. Everybody except of Mary. “You should run away, – whispered she, – I heard about people, whom live near town and hide from police.” Patrick heard about this court a lot. And he was in, when he became adult. It was his 35 birthday and he took his own copy of The Rules and went to the Ritual of initiating. The ritual consisted of watching the process of mercy. It was action, when people, who had broken The Rules, had to get the Last door. And nobody saw these people after. The Rules were simple: You can do all if it is useful and makes you, people or world better. You can do all if it isn`t wasting time or resources. You can do all if it isn`t dangerous for you and people around you. This Rules could be interpreted so widely, that you could be called the violator for everything.

Теги других блогов: Sci-Fi Immortality The Rules